Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pingliang to Xi'an to Xining Summed Up

On Saturday morning August 1st, my teaching team piled in a coach bus and headed toward Xi'an. When we arrived in Xi'an, the team spent several days debriefing and visiting this ancient and beautiful city. We spent the previous week (July 25-July 31st) giving our students their final lessons, finishing projects, and preparing for an open house for all of their parents and families. The students in my class (middle school age), were excited to bring their families and other relatives. Class presentations, photos with students and family members, and a chorus concert highlighted the evening. Many of my students were excited to share their "Dream Mobiles," which described in pictures and symbols their future hopes--during the program they learned how to share about their futures in English. Many of the boys of course, hope to play basketball for China professional team. Lots of the girls hope to be pilots or tour guides. Some desire to be businessmen/women and doctors. Others hope to travel to many places.

This brings me to what I have noticed in this trip to China, domestic tourism had increased dramatically. I can tell that Xining's tourist count has increased by more than 100%. This is due to the development related to the Lhasa Express which has daily stops in Xining.

It was a joy this past week to see many old faces (Chinese and Xpats) in my old home of Xining. I am excited to report that job prospects seem very positive there. I've received two offers. I will head to Vietnam later this week to try to update my visa. My next post will include more about Xining and my journey to Vietnam.


(Photos: Traditional Chinese Kungfu sword dance, Pingliang OTC students and me, and on top of the Xi'an City Wall)

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